Pre-School Dancing Animals, Vol. 2

Al Gilbert

Pre-School Dancing Animals, Vol. 2

Regular price $44.00 Sale


Preschool Dancing Animals, Vol. 2 by Al Gilbert, is the second in three CDs perfect for preschool classes and recitals. This CD includes nine animal-based songs to encourage your young student's imaginations. This series is a must for your dance studio music library.

Songs and dances included in this compilation:

  • Dancing Bunny is a Preschool Song & Dance for your 4–6-year-old students. This piece is perfect for in-class Easter / Spring season or your end-of-year performance. Dance steps include Jump Out-Jump In, Boogie Woogie, and Flash Trick Steps. Who doesn't love a Dancing Bunny!! Time - 1:45.
  • Dancing Chickadees is a Preschool Song & Dance for your 4–6-year-old students. This piece is perfect for in-class Easter / Spring season or your end-of-year performance. Dance steps include Boogie Woogie, Rocking Heels, Knee Bounces, and Flash Trick Steps. This piece has become a "recital dance classic." Time - 2:08.
  • Dancing Duck is a Pre-Level or a Grade 1 Song & Tap dance for your 4–6-year-old dancers. This piece is magic onstage! Your audience and little ones will adore this easy song & tap routine! Dance steps include Rocking Heels, Boogie Woogie, Knee Bounces, Jump Out, Jump In, and Flash Trick Steps. Time - 2:12.
  • Dancing Poodle is a Grade 1 Song & Tap or Song & Pre-Ballet dance for your 4–6-year-old students. For all the dog lovers out there, this is the perfect dance. And your littles will look so adorable on stage! Time - 2:07.
  • Kicky Kangaroo is a grade 1 song and tap dance for your 6–8-year-old tap dancers. This music is fun and funny, with clever lyrics that our audience will enjoy. In your "Around the World" theme, you may consider this dance to represent Australia. Tap dance steps include slow Irish, Side Gallop, and Shuffle Ballchange. Time - 2:25
  • Koala Bear is a Preschool Song & Dance for your 3–5-year-old students. In your "Around the World" theme, you may consider this dance to represent Australia. This cute and easy piece includes the dance steps Sways, Side-Together and Shake, Slow Walks, Side Dig, and Flash Trick Step. Time – 1:48
  • Penguin Strut is a Preschool Song & Dance for your 3–5-year-old performers. Dressed in their top hat and tails, your little ones will love doing their Penguin Dance. This short and easy dance includes Sways, Heel Together, Side-Together, Heel Rocks, and Jump half-turns. Time - 1:25
  • Rockin' Rooster is a Grade 1 Song and Dance for your 4–6-year-old tap dancers. This jazzy-tap dance with fun lyrics includes Side-Together-Side-Dig, Shuffle Step, and Flash Trick Step. Time - 1:32
  • Tiger Lil is a Grade 1-2 Song and Dance for your 5–7-year-old tap dancers. This sassy-jazzy-tap dance includes Side Dig, Shuffle Step, Shuffle Ballchange, Rocking Heels, Side Toe Back, and Kick Ballchange. Time – 2:55


Enhanced CD includes

  • 18 tracks of music, 9 Performance Tracks, and 9 Instrumental tracks
  • PDF files of choreography notation. Insert the disc into your CD-ROM to view or print
  • iTunes files of each song. Drag and drop into your iTunes library.

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