Al Gilbert Primary Jazz Technique

Al Gilbert

Al Gilbert Primary Jazz Technique

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Al Gilbert has created the perfect jazz class for the early elementary age student. He offers a safe and fun warm-up, center floor exercises, and across-the-floor movement, focusing on balance, coordination, motor skills, and weight shifting. This level is aimed at your 6-7-Year-old students.

Standing center floor: This class is laid out like a “normal” jazz class. These are the exercises done at center floor: standing warm-up, neck and head isolation, shoulder isolation, reaching forward for the back of leg and knee stretch and working on flat back or “tabletop” position, parallel plié, knee bounces, and knee pops. (Knee bounces are designed to install musicality, and knee pops strengthen coordination and stability. A passé and a jazz version of battement tendu are then executed parallel and turned out, and finally lunges to the sides. Moving: Side together down (pile and collapse forward), a Simple for de bras to teach positions and strengthen arms,

Sitting on the floor: Butterfly stretch and “ripple” of the back (basic contract/release exercises), split exercise, and sitting triangle position to stretch the hip flexors.

Steps and movement: Jazz walks, jazz chassé, simple chainé turn, step dig, side touchback, touch side step together, a series of mambo (front, side, back, and crossing), Single and triple Lindy, side chasse, side gallop, paddle turns, basic jump combination, cha-cha-cha, kick ballchange combination, Charleston step, Jumping as de boureé, waltz step, and basic single jazz pique turn.


Three-Disc Collection Includes:

  • Disc 1 offers 38 tracks of technique with vocal instruction by Al Gilbert
  • Disc 2 offers 38 instrumental tracks
  • Disc 3 offers technique notes and iTunes audio files. Insert the disc into your Computer Rom-drive to view or print notes. Drag and Drop iTunes files into your iTunes Library

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