How to Use MusicWorks Search Engine

How to Use MusicWorks Search Engine

Using MusicWorks Search Engine

Each customer receives personalized search results based on their product views, what they’ve added to their cart in the past, and what they have purchased.


Step one: Click the magnifying glass in the upper left corner of the website's main page.

Then you have two options for how you search.

1) Click in the search bar, type your search word or phrase, then press enter on your keyboard. Results will be displayed.


2) Click the microphone icon and speak your search word or phrase to use our Voice Search, then press enter on your keyboard. Results will be displayed.

This allows for a general search result based on your search word or phrase. Images of the products are displayed.




Using filters: Access to filters is across the top and down the left column of the search results. These offer the same tools in different views. 

  • Price – use the sliding bar to determine the price range.


  • Availability – Almost everything is available. There is a rare occasion when we are out of stock on books, t-shirts, mugs, or binders.


  • Vendors – this represents the name of the choreographers, authors, or creators of the content.


  • Product Type – Choose from CD, DVD, Download, Data Discs, etc.


  • Tag – there are many options in the tags filter. The most used are "Routines: Beginner" and Routines: Tap." 


  • Collections – Similar to Tags, but where Tags bring you to specific products, Categories bring you to a group of products that match your search terms with filters.


  • Discounts – a quick way to see what is available at a discount.


  • Rating shows you the products that our customers have reviewed.



The Relevance Button (left side of screen below the search window) – This is where you can sort your search results "alphabetically," "Newest to Oldest," Price – High to Low," and "Best Selling." This is a great tool when the search displays many pages of results.


At any point, you can click your browser's back arrow (usually in the upper left corner of the screen) to go back to one page.


At any time, you can double-click a product's image and be directed to the product page. You can preview the music and videos on the product page and read the product description.