April Atherton
Center Floor Progressions for Basic Pirouette
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Center Floor Progressions for Basic Pirouette by April Atherton was created for beginner jazz students of any age. This Basic Warm-Up and progressions exercise will prepare your students for jazz turns in no time. In this Technique Warm-Up, you will get five practices. (1) Plié-Relevé, (2) Passé placement and balance, (3) Turn preparation in parallel 4th position, (4) Marching in place while spotting downstage, and (5) Single outside pirouette. This progression is excellent for any beginning jazz class or students needing extra technique drills for their jazz pirouettes!
Video Info: (This is a download-only product. You may download this to any device.)
- Technique Length – 38 counts of 8 on the right side and 38 counts of 8 on the left side(76/ 152 measures)
- Video Length – 8:10
- Video Format – .m4v file
- File Size – 97.9 MB