Adding Artistry and Musicality to Ballet Exercises Download

Janice Barringer

Adding Artistry and Musicality to Ballet Exercises Download

Regular price $45.00 Sale



Adding Artistry and Musicality to Ballet Exercises by Janice Barringer is a class for teachers. Teaching and learning ballet is a challenge on multiple levels. After learning the terminology, working on turnout, and developing a good technique, there’s still one very important area. It’s musicality and artistry. That’s what separates the ballet dancer from being an athlete. Yes, we must do multiple turns and jump high, but at the same time, our bodies must make beautiful pictures as it moves perfectly with the music. This video explains step-by-step how the ballet student can achieve this final step that makes ballet special and beautiful, transcending athleticism.  Video Time: 37:02


This class includes: (Please download to a computer, not a mobile device)

  •  Video of class by Janice Barringer and Onscreen assistant Sakura Natorigawa
  • Class Notes Outline



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