Thommie Retter Tap Routines, Vol 2

Retter Entertainment

Thommie Retter Tap Routines, Vol 2

Regular price $60.00 Sale

Tap Routines, Vol. 2 by Thommie Retter contains three upbeat and age appropriate songs and dances that will have your students excited about class and wanting more!

DVD Includes:

  • Breakdown and performance video of the dance, Funky Town. This is a fun, energetic Grd. 3-4, (Int) Tap Routine for your 10-12 year olds
  • Breakdown and performance video of the dance, You Know. This piece is a grade 4-5 (Int-Adv) set to a cool, laid back vibe. Your young teens will really love this one.
  • Breakdown and performance video of the dance, Get Down. This is a Grd. 5-6 (Adv) Tap Routine to a soulful groove – enjoy the double-time tap patterns! Perfect for your teens and advanced adults.

Enhanced CD Includes:

  • Performance Ready Music of each song
  • iTunes files of each song. Drag and drop into your iTunes Library.
  • Choreography Notes on disc. Insert disc into your computers ROM drive to print view.

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